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Aug 11, 2020

You have the power over your brain!

You get to decide when you want to feel happy. 

If this seems challenging or if you're curious to learn more then stick with this episode as my guest Loretta, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute focuses on providing resources to help you rewire your animal brain (yep it's still there) so that you can learn to control your mind, your reactions and your actions more effectively to get you living... happily on your on terms.

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

  • The difference between our mammalian brain and human brain
  • The best & the worst time to build new habits
  • Tips on how to start & stick to new habits
  • The power of retraining your brain
  • 4 important happy brain chemicals
  • 2 important things you need to change your behavior
  • the power of distractions 
  • Specific happy habits that will boost your happy chemicals
  • and Much More!


Notes from this episode HERE

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